
浏览次数:次 发布时间:2023-12-14

1. on one's own account 为了某人的缘故(出现122次)


①(=at one's own risk) 自行负责

②(=by oneself) 依靠自己

2. take...into account 把...考虑进去 (=consider)(出现104次)

3.give sb an account of 说明,解释(理由)(出现123次)

4.account for 解释,说明(出现134次)

(=give an explanation or reason for)

5.on account of 由于,因为(=because of)(出现203次)

6.on no account 绝不,无论如何不要(出现233次)

(=in no case,for no reason)

7.accuse...of... 指责...(出现144次)

(=charge...with; blame sb. for sth)

8. be accustomed to 习惯于(出现220次)

(=be in the habit of, be used to)

9. be acquainted with (出现124次)

①(=to have knowledge of) 了解;

②(=to have met socially) 熟悉

10. act on 奉行,按照...行动 (出现114次)

①act as 扮演;

②act for 代理

11. at the thought of 一想到... (出现111次)

12.as a whole 就整体而论(=in general) (出现167次)

13.at will 随心所欲(出现190次)

14.(be)abundant in 富于,富有 (=be rich in)(出现223次)

15. access(to) 能接近,进入,了解(出现100次)

16. by accident 偶然地,意外(出现153次)

17.of one's own accord 自愿地,主动地 (出现188次)

(=willingly; freely)

18.in accord with 与...一致(出现200次)

19.with one accord 一致的 (出现256次)

(=with everybody agreeing)

20.in accordance with 依据,依照 (出现140次)

(=in agreement with)

21. adapt oneself to 使自己适应于 (出现182次)

(=adjust oneself to)

22. adapt...(for) 改编,改写(以适应新的需要)(出现130次)

(=make sth. Suitable for a new need)

23. in addition 此外,又,加之 (=besides)(出现146次)

24.in addition to 除...外 (出现143次)

(=as well as, besides, other than)

25.adhere to 粘附; 坚持,遵循 (出现77次)

(=abide by, comply with, cling to, belief ) (出现178次)

26.adjacent 毗邻的,临近的(=next toclose to)(出现112次)

27. adjust..(to) 调节; 适应(change slightly)(出现143次)

28. admit of ...的可能,留有...的余地 (出现132次)

(=be capable of, leave room for)

29. in advance 预告,事先(=before in time)(出现109次)

30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地 (出现180次)

31. have an advantage over 胜过 (出现105次)

①have the advantage of 由于...处于有利条件

②have the advantage of sb 知道某人所不知道的事

32. take advantage of 利用 (出现78次)

(=make the best of, make use of, profit from, harness)

33. agree with 赞同(某人意见)agree to 同意 (出现344次)

34. in agreement(with) 同意,一致 (出现344次)

35.ahead of 在...之前,超过... (出现307次)

①ahead of time 提前

36.in the air ①不肯定,不具体 ②在谣传中 (出现392次)

37. above all 尤其是,最重要的 (出现190次)

(=especially, most important of all)

38.in ll 总共,总计 (出现198次)

(=counting everyone or everything, altogether)

39.after all 毕竟,到底 (出现245次)

①(not) at all 一点也不;

②all at once(=suddenly)突然

③once and for all 只此一次;

④above all 最重要的:

⑤first of all 首先;

⑥all in all 大体上说

⑦be all in 累极了;

⑧all but 几乎 (出现343次)

40.allow for 考虑到,估计到 (出现250次)

(=take into consideration, take into account)

41. amount to 总计,等于 (=to be equal to) (出现188次)

42. answer for )对...负贵 (=undertake responsibility for)

43. answer to 适合,符合 (=conform to)(出现156次)

44. be anxious about 为...焦急不安 (出现142次)

45. apologize to sb.for sth,为...向...道歉 (出现133次)

46. appeal to sb.for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁,(出现136次)

①appeal to sb.对某人有吸引力

47. apply to sb.for sth. 为...向...申请 (出现233次)

48.apply to 与...有关;适用 (出现200次)

49.approve of 赞成 (出现236次)

(=consent to, be in favor of, agree to)

50. arise from 由...引起 (=be caused by) (出现115次)

51. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth.安排...做... (出现119次)

52.arrive on 到达 (出现120次)

①arrive at 到达某地(小地方):

②arrive in 到达某地(大地方);

53. be ashamed of 以...为羞耻 (出现99次)

(=feel shame, guilt or sorrow because of sth. done)

54. assure sb.of sth. 向...保证,使...确信 (出现90次)

(=try to cause to believe or trust in sth.)

55. attach(to) 缚,系,结 (=to fix fasten; join) (出现109次)

56. make an attempt at doing sth. 试图做...(出现104次)

57. attend to 注意,照顾,侍候,照料 (出现101次)

(=give one's attention, care and thought)

(=attend on(upon))

(=wait upon, serve, look after)

58. attitude to/ toward ...对...的态度、看法 (出现90次)

59. attribute...to...把...归因于...认为...是的结果 (出现88次)

(=to believe sth. to be the result of...)

60. on the average (=on average, on an average)平均

61. (be)aware of 意识到,知道 (出现237次)

(=be conscious of , having knowledge or consciousness)

62. at the back of 在...后面 (=behind) (出现177次)

63. in the back of 在...后部(里面) (出现155次)

64. at one's back 支持,维护; (=supporting or favoring sb.)

have sb.at one's back 有...支持,有...作后台(出现150次)

65. turn one's back on sb. 不理(某人),背弃,抛弃(出现145次)

(=turn away from sb. in an impolite way)

66. behind one's back 背着某人(说坏话)(出现170次)

67.be based on /upon 基于 (出现109次)

68.on the basis of 根据...,在...基础上(出现106次)

69.beat...at 在...运动项目上打赢 (出现221次)

70.buy sth.for...money 用多少钱买 (出现253次)

71. be capable of 能够,有能力 (出现123次)

①be capable of being  过去分词: 是能够被...的)

72. in any case 无论如何 (=whatever happens; anyhow)

73. in case 万- (=for fear that) (出现289次)

74.in case of 如果发生...万一 (in the event of) (出现159次)

75.in no case 在任何情况下都不(放句首倒装)(出现197次)

76. be cautious of 谨防 (出现145次)

77.center one's attention on 把某人的注意力集中在...上

(=focus one's attention on) (出现147次)

78. be certain of 有把握,一定(=be sure of) (出现106次)

79. for certain of 肯定地有把握地 (=for sure) (出现190次)

80. by chance 偶然(=accidentally. by accident) (出现198次)

81.begin with 以...开始 (出现194次)

82.on behalf of 以...名义 (=as the respansentative of)

83. believe in 相信,依赖,信仰 (出现236次)

(=have faith or trust in)

(=consider sth.sb. to be true) (出现235次)

84. benefit (from) 受益,得到好处 (出现221次)

85. for the benefit of 为了...的利益(好处) (出现257次)

86.for the better 好转(出现289次)

87.get the better of 打败,胜过 (=defeat sb.) (出现119次)

88.at birth 在出生时 (出现77次)

89.blame sb.for sth. 因...责备某人 (出现77次)

90.in blossom 开花(指树木) (出现115次)

91.on board 到船上,在船上,上火车或飞机 (出现127次)

92. boast of (or about) 吹嘘 (出现120次)

93.out of breath 喘不过气来 (出现125次)

94. in brief 简言之 (=in as few words as possible) (出现115次)

95. in bulk 成批地,不散装的 (出现160次)

96. take the floor 起立发言 (出现177次)

97.on business 出差办事 (出现180次)

98.be busy with sth. 忙于某事 (出现346次)

①be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

99.last but one 倒数第二 (出现337次)

100. but for 要不是,表示假设 (=without) (出现325次)





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