PartIVocabulary and Structure 真题还原
1.**How can I ever concentrate if you __ continual-ly__me with silly questions?
A.have; interrupted
B. had; interrupt-ed
C.are; interrupting1
D. were; inter-rupting
How can I ever concentrate if you _____ continually _____ me with silly questions?
A. have; interrupted
B. had; interrupted
C. are; interrupting
D. were;interrupting
10 He is not under arrest, _____ any restriction on him.
4.*Mary regrettedto _____ John's birthday party last Sunday.
C.not having been going
D. not to be going
[本题解析]本题考查非谓语的固定搭配。regret doing,后悔做过某事,regret to do遗憾要去做某事
He regretted _____ to the meeting last week.
A.not going
B. not to go
C.not having been going
D. not to be going
PartWriting IV 阐述型作文结构模板再现
Nowadays, there exists a social(an economic/ an environmental) phenomenon that+具体现象,which has given rise to great concemn among people around us. According to a survey/study/research,+调查内容说明这种现象(举例说明)
There stand a couple ofreasons contributing to this phenomenon.First and formost, +原因一,首先....What'smore,+原因二;其次.....Additionally,+原因三;除此之外......Asaresult,+结果。
As faraslam concerned,+“我”的观点: Furthermore,+进一步说明;Therefore.from the above discussionIcan come to the conclusion that+最终结论。
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