
浏览次数:次 发布时间:2022-11-29



1、注重理解 平时做阅读题,要戒掉马马虎虎的习惯,把题做到透彻明了,深入剖析文章中的所有生词和难句,一词一句理解。做题中不管遇到什么难题,直接看解析,多理解,就能轻松破解,不只节省复习时间,而且能帮助理解。

2、限时做题 大家平时练习的时候,要有时间意识,严格要求自己,在规定的时间内完成答题任务。如果题做到途中被什么事耽搁了,回头一定要从头开始,重新再做。

3、及时改错 做错的题在知道错误原因并改正之后,要整理出来,建立错题库,整理的时候只写题干,不写答案,之后可以定期检测。直到问题解决,再把答案写上去。


One should be moderate(适度) in all things. Moderation is always the safest way to do things and a virtue(品质) we should have. Let's take the stodcnt Iife for example. There arc some students who study too hard and play 100 little, while there are others who play too much and study too linle. On one hand, it is harmful 10 his heallh if hc has too few exercises, and on the other hand, it is harmful 10 his mind if hc plays too much. In the matter of eating, one also should be moderate. Do not eat 100 much or 100 liule. Too much eating will make you sick, while 100 little eating will make you weak The man of progrcss is he who neithcr has IOO hig,h an opinion of himself nor Ihinks lOO poorly of himself. l f a man thinks 100 highly of himself, he is sure 10 become very proud, but ifhe has 100 poor an opinion of himself, he will have no courage 10 make an advance. Bo 由 lhc cond 山 ons above will make you lose your advancing aim. A broadminded man is he who always moves within the orbit ( 轨 道 )of rca onablcness. Whc1hcr in any aetivilies in life, moderation is one of the be t ways 10 enjoy real happincss.

1.''Someone c modcra1e" means A. he walks neither 100 fast nor 100 slowly B. he hasgood characters and good ways to do things C. he is notonly safe bu1 also successful D. he is e i1hcrt all or shorl

2. The ,vriter sugge 1s that a studcnl should A, have much more time to study 1han10 play B. spend most of 1hc time playing difleren1 games C. only study hard without any 1irne to play D. correctly arrange (安排)his time for study and play

3. Modcra1c eating means A. eating as much food as one can if 1he food is 1a ty B. eating food rich of fa1 C. eating a proper amounl of food D. eating either too much or 100 li1t le

4 , If one want tobe broad-minded. he must A. believe in himself B. be full of co urage C. enjoy real happine s D, do every1hing that is reasonable

答案: B D C D


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