1、His proposal that the direction of the company's development sounds reasonable.
A.must change
B.be changed
D.is changed
2、By the time class was over, the rain .
A.will stop
B.would stop
C.had stopped
D.have stopped
3、How close parents are to their children a strong influence on the character of their children.
B. has
C. having
D. had
4、 a few spelling mistakes, this composition is well-written.
A. But for
B. In spite
C. Besides
D. Except for
5、The street was named George Washington who led the American war for independence.
B. with
D. after
6、It because the book is so useful for my work I bought it.
A.is; who
B.just; that
C.was; who
D.is; that
7、The chairman proposed that the meeting .
A.put off
B.was put off
C.be put off
D.would be put off
8、Linda and John have already arrived, but students of their class aren’t here yet.
A. the other
B. the others
C. other
D. others
9、Rose’s score on the test is the highest in his class; he very hard.
A. should study
B. should have studied
C. must have studied
D. must have to study
10、He is trying to do his job well in order to his mistake.
A. make out
B. make for
C. make up
D. make up for
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