
浏览次数:次 发布时间:2021-12-28

We are sure that you will be satisfied with these sports shoes. We would like to remind you that similar prices are mostly unlikely in the near future. We hope, therefore, you will take advantage of this opportunity. We look forward to your early reply.

3、Now people have a choice about where they work and what kind of work they'll do. They are faced with the challenge of deciding where to go. They need to know what standard to use in making their decisions. This book provides them with practical advice for making their choices.Meanwhile, they will know what questions to ask,what jobs to look for, and how to make their final deci sions.



<span style="font-size:16px;font-family:"">3、现在人们有权选择他们在哪里工作,以及将要做什么样的工作。他们面临的挑战是决定去哪儿工作。他们需要知道,做决定时应依据什么标准。本书就如何做出各种决定为他们提供了实用的建议。与此同时,本书会告知他们提什么问题、找什么工作以及如何做出最后的决定


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上一篇:2021年怀化学院专升本字体与版式设计模拟试卷                  下一篇:普通专升本英语复习,教你名词的转化(下)

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